前言 本人的博客采用Hexo+Github
提供了Github Pages
Hexo版本信息 鉴于Hexo框架更新迭代较快,当版本不同时很多配置文件都不相同,因此建议选择对应版本的教程进行阅读。以下是本人的Hexo版本具体信息:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 hp@LAPTOP-RB9QDBHV MINGW64 /f/My-Blog $ hexo v NexT version 8.12.2 Documentation: https://theme-next.js.org ======================================== hexo: 6.2.0 hexo-cli: 4.3.0 os: win32 10.0.19043 node: 14.15.1 v8: 8.4.371.19-node.17 uv: 1.40.0 zlib: 1.2.11 brotli: 1.0.9 ares: 1.16.1 modules: 83 nghttp2: 1.41.0 napi: 7 llhttp: 2.1.3 openssl: 1.1.1g cldr: 37.0 icu: 67.1 tz: 2020a unicode: 13.0
1.环境准备 Hexo博客的搭建已于Node.js,博客搭建过程中需要使用Git进行博客版本控制,因此首先需要安装这两个工具:
(1)Node.js: http://nodejs.cn/download/
(2)Git: https://git-scm.com/downloads
打开命令行窗口,输入node -v
, npm -v
, git --version
2.创建Github仓库 首先需要使用Git
账号(这个网上教程很多,这里不再赘述);因为需要使用Github Pages
中先创建一个仓库,:Repository name
,并勾选Add a README file
3.安装Hexo 首先需要在本地新建一个文件夹用于存放博客程序所有文件,例如My-Blog
文件夹,右键选择Git Bash Here
1 2 3 4 5 npm install -g hexo-cli # 安装Hexo博客程序 hexo init # 初始化 npm install # 安装组件 hexo g # 生成页面 hexo s # 启动预览
4.部署Hexo至Github 首先安装hexo-deployer-git
1 npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
1 2 3 4 deploy: type: git repository: git@github.com:用户名/用户名.github.io.git branch: master
命令窗口中输入hexo d
命令将博客上传部署到Github Pages
5.创建并发布文章 首先打开本地博客程序根目录(My-Blog
),右键选择Git Bash Here
文章写完之后需要执行hexo g
命令渲染成前端界面,然后执行hexo d
1 2 3 hexo clean # 清除缓存文件(可以不执行该命令) hexo g # 生成页面 hexo d # 部署页面
6.站点配置文件 站点配置文件位于My-Blog/_config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 # Site title: # 博客标题 subtitle: # 博客子标题 description: # 博客描述 keywords: # 关键词,用于SEO优化 author: # 作者名称 language: zh-CN # 语言 timezone: # 时区 # URL ## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as 'https://username.github.io/project' url: https://用户名.github.io/ permalink_defaults: pretty_urls: trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks # Writing new_post_name: :title.md # 新文章命名方式 default_layout: post titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase external_link: enable: true # Open external links in new tab field: site # Apply to the whole site exclude: '' # Home page setting # path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '') # per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination) # order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default) index_generator: path: '' per_page: 10 # 每页文章数量 order_by: -date # 文章排序方法 # 时间格式 # Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ date_format: YYYY-MM-DD time_format: HH:mm:ss ## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty' updated_option: 'mtime' # Extensions ## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/ ## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/ theme: next # 主题设置(选择My-Blog/themes文件夹下对应的主题目录名称) # 部署配置 # Deployment ## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/one-command-deployment deploy: type: git repository: git@github.com:用户名/用户名.github.io.git branch: master
7.主题配置文件(Next) 主题配置文件位于My-Blog/themes/主题名称/_config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 # 自定义文件(设置这些文件时,需要在My-Blog/source文件下新建对应的文件,并将对应的注释符号去除) # Define custom file paths. # Create your custom files in site directory `source/_data` and uncomment needed files below. custom_file_path: #head: source/_data/head.njk #header: source/_data/header.njk #sidebar: source/_data/sidebar.njk #postMeta: source/_data/post-meta.njk #postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #bodyEnd: source/_data/body-end.njk #variable: source/_data/variables.styl #mixin: source/_data/mixins.styl #style: source/_data/styles.styl # 主题格式设置(设置哪一种格式,就将哪一种格式前面的注释符合去除) # Schemes scheme: Muse #scheme: Mist #scheme: Pisces #scheme: Gemini # 网站图标设置(自定义网站图标时,需要将图标放置在My-Blog/themes/next/source/images文件夹下,并在下面设置相应的图标名称) favicon: small: /images/favicon-16x16-next.png medium: /images/favicon-32x32-next.png apple_touch_icon: /images/apple-touch-icon-next.png safari_pinned_tab: /images/logo.svg #android_manifest: /manifest.json # 菜单设置(在需要的标签前面去除注释符号即可展示在主页中) menu: #home: / || fa fa-home #about: /about/ || fa fa-user #tags: /tags/ || fa fa-tags #categories: /categories/ || fa fa-th #archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive #schedule: /schedule/ || fa fa-calendar #sitemap: /sitemap.xml || fa fa-sitemap #commonweal: /404/ || fa fa-heartbeat # 菜单图标设置 # Enable / Disable menu icons / item badges. menu_settings: icons: true badges: true # 侧边栏设置 sidebar: # 位置 # Sidebar Position. position: left #position: right # 宽度 width: 300 # 展示方式 display: post # Sidebar padding in pixels. padding: 18 # Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels (only for Pisces | Gemini). offset: 12 # 侧边栏头像设置 avatar: # 自定义头像需要在My-Blog/themes/next/source/images文件夹下放置头像,并对下面的url进行相应的修改 url: /images/avatar.png # 是否以圆形进行展示(圆形/方形) rounded: true # 是否旋转 rotated: false # 社交链接设置(需要展示哪些社交链接只需去除其前面的注释) social: #GitHub: https://github.com/yourname || fab fa-github #E-Mail: mailto:yourname@gmail.com || fa fa-envelope #Weibo: https://weibo.com/yourname || fab fa-weibo #Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || fab fa-google #Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || fab fa-twitter #FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || fab fa-facebook #StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || fab fa-stack-overflow #YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || fab fa-youtube #Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || fab fa-instagram #Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || fab fa-skype # 社交链接图标设置 social_icons: enable: true icons_only: false # 是否只展示图标 transition: false # 是否需要过渡效果 # 页脚设置 footer: # 展示网站创立的年份 since: 2022 # 网站创立时间和版权信息之间的图标 icon: # Icon name in Font Awesome. See: https://fontawesome.com/icons name: fa fa-user # If you want to animate the icon, set it to true. animated: false # Change the color of icon, using Hex Code. color: "#999999" # If not defined, `author` from Hexo `_config.yml` will be used. copyright: # 是否需要在页脚展示"Powered by Hexo & NexT" powered: false # 是否需要"回到顶部"功能 back2top: enable: true # Back to top in sidebar. sidebar: false # Scroll percent label in b2t button. scrollpercent: true # 是否需要点击图片放大功能 fancybox: true
8.Next美化配置 8.1摘要文字长度 摘要文字长度建议使用<!--more-->
1 2 3 excerpt_description: true read_more_btn: true
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 title: 文章标题 tags: Hexo categories: 搭建博客 摘要文字 <!--more--> 其他内容
8.2文章末尾添加统一结束语 在Hexo
1 2 3 4 5 <div> {% if not is_index %} <div style="text-align:center;color: #ccc;font-size:14px; padding-top: 10px;">--------------------------------------- <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> 本文结束,感谢您的阅读 <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> --------------------------------------- </div> {% endif %} </div>
,并去除postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.njk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 custom_file_path: #head: source/_data/head.njk #header: source/_data/header.njk #sidebar: source/_data/sidebar.njk #postMeta: source/_data/post-meta.njk postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #bodyEnd: source/_data/body-end.njk #variable: source/_data/variables.styl #mixin: source/_data/mixins.styl #style: source/_data/styles.styl
8.3代码块 进入主题配置文件My-Blog/themes/主题名称/_config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 codeblock: # 代码块主题 theme: light: default dark: stackoverflow-dark prism: light: prism dark: prism-dark # 是否支持一键复制 copy_button: enable: true # Available values: default | flat | mac style: mac
8.4今日诗词 在Hexo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <script src="//sdk.jinrishici.com/v2/browser/jinrishici.js"></script> <script> jinrishici.load((result) => { let jrsc = document.getElementById('jrsc'); const data = result.data; let author = data.origin.author; let title = '《' + data.origin.title + '》'; let content = data.content.substr(0, data.content.length - 1); let dynasty = data.origin.dynasty.substr(0, data.origin.dynasty.length - 1); jrsc.innerText = content + ' ' + '[' + dynasty + ']' + author + title; }); </script> <div style="text-align: center"><span id="jrsc" >正在加载今日诗词....</span></div>
,并去除postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.njk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 custom_file_path: #head: source/_data/head.njk #header: source/_data/header.njk #sidebar: source/_data/sidebar.njk #postMeta: source/_data/post-meta.njk postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #footer: source/_data/footer.njk #bodyEnd: source/_data/body-end.njk #variable: source/_data/variables.styl #mixin: source/_data/mixins.styl #style: source/_data/styles.styl
8.5奖赏 进入主题配置文件My-Blog/themes/主题名称/_config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 reward_settings: # If true, a donate button will be displayed in every article by default. enable: true # 是否开启奖赏功能 animation: true # 动画 #comment: Buy me a coffee # 去粗话需要的支付方式前面的注释符号,并在My-Blog/themes/主题名称/source/images文件夹下放入对应的图片 reward: #wechatpay: /images/wechatpay.png #alipay: /images/alipay.png #paypal: /images/paypal.png #bitcoin: /images/bitcoin.png
8.6页面加载效果 进入主题配置文件My-Blog/themes/主题名称/_config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pace: enable: true # 所有可选颜色: # black | blue | green | orange | pink | purple | red | silver | white | yellow color: black # 所有可选主题: # big-counter | bounce | barber-shop | center-atom | center-circle | center-radar | center-simple # corner-indicator | fill-left | flat-top | flash | loading-bar | mac-osx | material | minimal theme: loading-bar
9.结束语 基于Hexo+Github搭建博客就讲到这,对于Next主题的美化其实还有很多内容,鉴于网上教程过多,这里就只列出一部分。总体来说,能够完成个人博客的搭建,我个人的所有需求基本满足,日后我会继续在这里更新我阅读的每一篇文献,希望有兴趣的朋友可以多多关注!